Monthly Archives: November 2015

Wikipedia article of the day for November 26, 2015


The Wikipedia article of the day for November 26, 2015 is Children of Mana.
Children of Mana is a 2006 action role-playing game for the Nintendo DS handheld console. It was developed by Square Enix and Nex Entertainment, and published by Square Enix and Nintendo. It is the sixth game of the Mana series and the first entry in the World of Mana subseries. Set in a high fantasy universe, Children of Mana follows one of four young heroes as they combat an invasion of monsters and learn about the cataclysmic event that killed their families. Both the main plot and side-quests require the player to fight through dungeons and defeat boss monsters before returning to the central Mana Village. Like many of its predecessors, the game features a local cooperative multiplayer component. Children of Mana was designed by series creator Koichi Ishii, directed by Yoshiki Ito, and produced by Takashi Orikata and Katsuji Aoyama. The game was a moderate commercial success: it sold 100,000 copies in its first week of release, and over 280,000 copies in Japan by the end of 2006. While critics praised the graphics and music as beautiful and unique, they found the combat simplistic and repetitive, and the story insubstantial.

“The Good Dinosaur” Is A Reminder That Even Bad Pixar Is Pretty Good


The Good Dinosaur.


Everyone knows the dinosaurs died in a large-scale mass extinction event at the end of the Mesozoic Era. What The Good Dinosaur presupposes is — maybe they didn't? The new movie — the first feature to be helmed by longtime Pixar animator Peter Sohn (Partly Cloudy), the company's first director of color — envisions the asteroid that might have caused a global catastrophe 65 million years ago whizzing safely by, leaving the Earth still populated by dinosaurs that eventually evolve into socialized beings who struggle under familial expectations.

It's a setup that's clever in the way that Cars feels clever, because it presents a universe in which dinosaurs till the soil with their noses and water crops by spraying water like a sprinkler and herd cattle. It's like The Flintstones without the humans, or rather with the humans still preverbal and wild, not equals but pests to be driven off. When the movie's main character, an undersize young Apatosaurus named Arlo (Raymond Ochoa), befriends a human child he names Spot (Jack Bright), the relationship is more like a boy with his dog. Spot, a wiggly, ferocious tyke, provides a lot of the cuteness, while Arlo's journey back to his family and the lessons he learns in terms of dealing with his fears provide the slightly grown-up messaging.


But that setup is calculated in the way that Cars feels calculated, too, because there's little connection between the world The Good Dinosaur creates and the straightforward coming-of-age tale it wants to tell. The toys in Toy Story deal with the obsolescence that comes with their staying the same while their owners get older, the fish in Finding Nemo have reasonable fears of creatures dwelling in a dangerous environment, and the characters in Inside Out are all aspects of a little girl's self whose adventures reflect her internal experiences during a turbulent time. But the alt history of The Good Dinosaur doesn't have any particularly bearing on how Arlo grows and changes — it's a simple story that could have just as easily been about humans living on the frontier. Instead, it's about dinosaurs because dinosaurs are cool (and marketable).

That wouldn't be such a sin, except that this is a film from Pixar, a company famous for being more thoughtful and ambitious than that, and one that reset its bar particularly high with the terrific Inside Out five months ago. But even bad Pixar is pretty good, and if The Good Dinosaur falls low in the rankings of the company's now 16 titles — somewhere higher than Cars 2 and Monsters University but below Brave — it is still leagues finer than the flurry of frenetic colors and screwball pacing of the standard children's animated movie. It's technically marvelous, the deliberate cartoonishness of Arlo and his family contrasting with a breathtaking wilderness that at times look photo-realistic: the river churning, drops glistening on leaves, and the sky big and bright and sometimes bubbling over with an approaching storm.


And The Good Dinosaur happens to be accompanied by the short Sanjay's Super Team, in which director Sanjay Patel draws from his childhood to show an Indian father and son finding common ground somewhere between Hindu deities and superheroes. It combines action sequences with culture reclamation and intergenerational bonding, all in seven fleet minutes. If The Good Dinosaur is Pixar on an off day, Sanjay's Super Team is a reminder of all the company's incredible potential.

November 26, 2015 at 01:44AM

2015 Offered Every Reason To Love And Hate Movie Sequels


From top left: Creed, Jurassic World, Magic Mike XXL, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 2.

Warner Bros, Chuck Zlotnick / Universal Pictures, Claudette Barius / Warner Bros, Lionsgate

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 2 made $101 million this past weekend. That's a lot of money — multiple Breaking Bad storage units worth of moola. Those earnings made Mockingjay — Part 2 the fifth-highest opening of the year, but on the colossal scale on which a tentpole franchise like The Hunger Games operates, lumbering through multiplexes nationwide like a hungry giant, it was still a letdown, the lowest debut of the four movies in a series that's been a reliable global success.

Was the drop due to blockbuster fatigue? Was the film too grim, with its imagery of war and civilian slaughter and a little girl sobbing over the corpse of her parent? Are audiences less interested in the big finishes of franchises than their bright beginnings? Is the inclusion of a colon and an em dash too much punctuation for one title to bear? An argument can be made for all these points, but the final Hunger Games movie had a more fundamental problem — it just wasn't a very good sequel.

No one needs to be told that we are deep into an era in which sequels rule. Five of the top ten titles at both last year's and this year's current box office are follow-ups to existing movies, and that's not counting prequels like Minions or Marvel installments like Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man that focus on new characters even as they service a larger arc. Mourning the movie based on an original idea feels at this point passé. Instead, we might as well celebrate that there's an art to how well a film can straddle the line between its existence as a standalone object and how it references some ongoing brand — because, though there's still some cynicism toward the idea of the sequel, there's more potential to it now, too.

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 2


If “sequel” used to connote money-grabbing retreads more often than it did something like The Godfather: Part II, these days no one would argue there isn't room for art in it, even if most sequels are still forgettable airplane-movie fodder. But it's an art in which a film should have to serve more than just loyalists, who, as with Mockingjay — Part 2, won't always reliably turn up for even a character as beloved as Jennifer Lawrence's Katniss Everdeen.

Mockingjay — Part 2 can't be faulted for ambition in terms of scope, but it feels like precisely half a movie, picking up where Part 1 left off, with a brainwashed Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) having attempted to murder his former love Katniss. From there, it takes off at a gallop toward the Capitol, with its main characters darting through booby-trapped streets and enduring an goddamn terrifying encounter with maggot-white mutts in the sewer tunnels beneath the city. Characters die horribly, and there's little time for the impact to sink in before more running and a surprisingly anticlimactic end, with the love triangle serviced jarringly in the midst of the warfare.

Part 1 got all of the franchise's uneasy commentary on image and propaganda, and Part 2 got all of the action, and neither works particularly well as a standalone movie. Maybe that was the plan — and squeezing four films out of three hit books definitely had financial motivation — but in practice, both installments felt like they were lacking a center: one lead-up with no conclusion; the other, one long, turbulent last act. The second Hunger Games movie, Catching Fire, stood alone — compelling even if you hadn't seen the first film. But the third and fourth don't, dangling dependent on one another for context and meaning in a way that feels generally unmovielike, sandwiching characters in for one more look, including the late Philip Seymour Hoffman in his unsettling final role as Plutarch Heavensbee.

Michael B. Jordan in Creed.

Warner Bros.

Mockingjay — Part 2 may not have been a triumphant finale, but it came out the week before the premiere of what may be 2015's platonic sequel ideal. Creed, the seventh film in the four-decade Rocky franchise, is a spin-off that puts Sylvester Stallone in the trainer role alongside newcomer Adonis Johnson (Michael B. Jordan), striking a fascinating balance between the familiar and the new. It hits the marks a Rocky movie demands — the museum steps, the theme song, and the run — but it's sparing and precise with its nostalgia.

It's also canny and thoughtful about its main character. Adonis isn't a mini-Rocky — for one thing, he's the son of Rocky's nemesis-turned-pal Apollo Creed — and his story doesn't just recycle his mentor's experiences. Creed engages with the ideas of what Rocky represents: the all-American underdog with something to prove, with a need to affirm his own worth in the ring. And it sometimes jostles gently against them while serving as a sincere homage to the original that updates the story as well as its treatment of race and class.

This year's sequels ran the gamut from Liam Neeson's halfhearted Taken 3 back in January, a film that played like a joke everyone's gotten over, to Furious 7 in April, a movie that steered (sorry) into the death of lead Paul Walker on a break during filming and was even more bombastically sentimental because of it, affirming again that it's a series fond of the individual parts of its family but not dependent on them. The Divergent Series: Insurgent and Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials, would-be heirs to the dystopian Hunger Games throne, did fine while both feeling like they're racing against the waning interest in their lesser franchises. Pitch Perfect 2, while not as good as the first film, was still a major, female-directed hit, and Hot Tub Time Machine 2 was evidence of how hard it can be to make a comedy sequel.

There were the unasked-for sequels that flicked through theaters and vanished from memory (The Transporter Refueled, Hitman: Agent 47) and the ones that seemed to exist to wring money out of a series until no one shows up anymore (Insidious: Chapter 3, The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension). There were the intriguing letdowns like Terminator: Genisys and Spectre, which felt like they ran out of space in their own universes (though James Bond is not in danger of going away). There was Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation, which was simply very, very entertaining, and Avengers: Age of Ultron, which succeeded, despite its many overstuffed obligations to its shared universe. And there was Jurassic World, a massive hit but a blockbuster curiously shot through self-loathing, with its self-referential themes about jaded audiences always needing a bigger, flashier spectacle, self-aware in the fan service that bogged Mockingjay — Part 2 down.

The year's most interesting sequels have been the ones that, like Creed, push off their predecessors rather than follow too dutifully in their footsteps. Movies like Magic Mike XXL and Mad Max: Fury Road use the movies that came before them as texts to be commented on in addition to being continued. Magic Mike was a story of male strippers living large in the moment in a profession that was an enticing dead end, but Magic Mike XXL turned its attention away from its characters' futures to focus on their services and what they do to make their female customers feel desired and powerful. And Mad Max: Fury Road revitalized a long-dormant series by turning its title character into something like a sidekick in its rescue mission, referencing his past pain but, remarkably, never letting it take precedent over the more immediate trauma and experiences of the women he helps escape.

The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.

Laurie Sparham / Fox Searchlight

These movies are actually better for being sequels, for having histories that inform what's going on onscreen without being necessary in order to follow it. Creed, Magic Mike XXL, and Mad Max: Fury Road stand perfectly fine on their own, but become richer and deeper with a familiarity of what they're referencing. They're heartening evidence that an age of sequels isn't necessarily one of diminishing returns — which is good, because the biggest sequel of 2015 has yet to arrive. Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the first installment of a new trilogy, is the film that will ramp up what Wired ominously referred to as “the forever franchise,” sequels spiraling infinitely out into an unknown cinematic future.

Yes, the era of sequels is in full swing, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing.

November 25, 2015 at 08:34PM

Elle Fanning Says Bryan Cranston Is As Amazing As We All Think He Is


“He is SO great, it’s crazy!”

We went from fan to borderline obsessed after Bryan Cranston captivated us all on Breaking Bad for 5 incredible years.

We went from fan to borderline obsessed after Bryan Cranston captivated us all on Breaking Bad for 5 incredible years.

And if you’ve gone into a bit of Cranston Withdrawal, he’s now back on the big screen playing Hollywood screenwriter Dalton Trumbo in the new period drama, Trumbo.

And if you've gone into a bit of Cranston Withdrawal, he's now back on the big screen playing Hollywood screenwriter Dalton Trumbo in the new period drama, Trumbo.

Bleecker Street

We got the chance to chat with Elle Fanning — who plays Cranston’s daughter in the film — at the Toronto International Film Festival, and she pretty much confirmed what we’ve thought all along: he’s insanely incredible on-screen and off.

We got the chance to chat with Elle Fanning — who plays Cranston's daughter in the film — at the Toronto International Film Festival, and she pretty much confirmed what we've thought all along: he's insanely incredible on-screen and off.


Bryan was just, he's so great it's crazy! And just how he became that character and, you know, even with his voice and movements and he had to age as well, and how he took that form, he's incredible. But also, I learned he's the nicest guy as well.

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November 26, 2015 at 12:48AM

We Celebrated Thanksgiving With Celebs On The AMA’s Red Carpet


It was a mouthful.

We turned the 2015 American Music Awards’ red carpet into a giant Thanksgiving celebration and got all the deets on how celebs spend the holiday.

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Some of the AMA’s stars celebrate Thanksgiving in more traditional ways…

Some of the AMA's stars celebrate Thanksgiving in more traditional ways...


While others try to get the most free food out of the holiday as possible.

While others try to get the most free food out of the holiday as possible.


Friendsgivings were popular among the stars…

Friendsgivings were popular among the stars...


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November 26, 2015 at 12:00AM

21 Times I Died During The “Captain America: Civil War” Teaser






And it's picking up right where Ant-Man left off.


When Bucky proved he finally remembered his life before Winter Soldier and his friendship with Steve.

When Bucky proved he finally remembered his life before Winter Soldier and his friendship with Steve.


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November 25, 2015 at 10:56PM

Now You Can Watch “The Little Prince” Trailer In English


“Growing up is not the problem. Forgetting is.”

Last year, the trailer for The Little Prince was released in French.

Last year, the trailer for The Little Prince was released in French.

Paramount Pictures / Via

And now, it’s available in English.

And now, it's available in English.

Paramount Pictures / Via

Just like the timeless children’s book it’s based on, the movie looks like it’s going to be absolutely magical.

Just like the timeless children's book it's based on, the movie looks like it's going to be absolutely magical.

Paramount Pictures / Via

And will make you feel all of your feelings.

And will make you feel all of your feelings.

Paramount Pictures / Via

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November 25, 2015 at 10:56PM